Miscelánea Vol. 39
- 2010
- Lenguas extranjeras
- Miscelánea
- 1137-6368
MISCELÁNEA 39, 2009 MARC ALEXANDER (University of Glasgow): Rhetorical Structure and Reader Manipulation in Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express MERCEDES JAIME SISÓ (Universidad de Zaragoza): Titles or Headlines?Anticipating Conclusions in Biomedical RA Titles as a Persuasive Journalistic Strategy to attract Busy Readers TERESA MARQUÉS AGUADO (Universidad de Murcia): Punctuation Practice in the Antidotary in G.U.L. MS Hunter 513 (ff. 37v-96v) EUGENIO OLIVARES MERINO (Universidad de Jaén): ‘Beowulfo’, ‘Gothlandia’ and ‘Herodoto’: An Appraisal of the Earliest Renderings of Beowulf in Spain WILLIAM SAYERS (Cornell University): The Genealogy of the Haggis SPENCER-OATEY, H. (ed.) Culturally Speaking: Culture, Communication and Politeness Theory. London and New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2008.(by Lucía Fernández Amaya, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla)