Miscelánea Vol. 42
- 2010
- Lenguas extranjeras
- Miscelánea
- semestral
- 1137-6368
NAYEF ALI AL-JOULAN (Al al-Bayt University, Jordan) Contending Heterotopic Artistic Space and Spatial/Stretched Time in T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” CLAUDIA ALONSO RECAR-TE (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) The Myth of the Adirondack Backwoodsman: from the Golden Years to Consumer Society MARC DELREZ (University of Liège) Fearful Symmetries: Trauma and “Settler Envy” in Contemporary Australian Culture AITOR IBARROLA-ARMENDARIZ (Universidad de Deusto) Native American Humor as Resistance: Breaking Identity Moulds in Thomas King’s Green Grass, Running Water CLARA JUNCKER (University of Southern Denmark) John Dos Passos in Spain MARGUERITE MORITZ AND THERESA CRAPANZANO (University of Colorado) We Don’t Make the News, We Just Report It: Television Journalism and Narratives of Trauma MOHAN G. RAMANAN (University of Hyderabad) The West and its Other: Literary Responses to 9/11 CECILIA FERNÁNDEZ SANTOMÉ (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) Joyce, James. (1939) 1999. Finnegan’s Wake. London: Penguin Classics: 627-628 JESÚS BENITO, ANA Mª MANZANAS AND BEGOÑA SIMAL Uncertain Mirrors: Magical Realisms in US Ethnic Literatures. Amsterdam: Rodopi, Critical Approaches to Ethnic American Literature 03, 2009. (by Francisco Collado-Rodríguez. Universidad de Zaragoza) CARMEN BIRKLE AND NICHOLE WALLER, eds. The Sea is History: Exploring the Atlantic. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009. (by Emilia María Durán-Almarza. Universidad de Oviedo) DAVID CALLAHAN Rainforest Narratives: The Work of Janette Turner Hospital. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press, 2009. (by Isabel Fraile Murlanch. Universidad de Zaragoza) CELESTINO DELEYTO Woody Allen y el espacio de la comedia romántica. Valencia: Ediciones de la Filmoteca, 2009. BRITTA FEYERABEND Seems Like Old Times: Postmodern Nostalgia in Woody Allen’s Work. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009. (by María del Mar Azcona. Universidad de Zaragoza) CHRISTINE REYNIER Jeanette Winterson: Le Miracle Ordinaire. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2004. (by Christopher Ringrose. University of Northampton) CHRISTINE REYNIER Virginia Woolf’s Ethics of the Short Story. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.(by Isabel Mª Andrés Cuevas. Universidad de Granada) CHRISTINE REYNIER Virginia Woolf’s Ethics of the Short Story. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.(by Isabel Mª Andrés Cuevas. Universidad de Granada) CHRISTINE REYNIER Virginia Woolf’s Ethics of the Short Story. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.(by Isabel Mª Andrés Cuevas. Universidad de Granada) NILA VÁZQUEZ, ed. The “Tale of Gamelyn” of “The Canterbury Tales”: An Annotated Edition. Lampeter, Wales: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2009.(by Jordi Sánchez-Martí. Universidad de Alicante)