Fourteenth International Conference Zaragoza–Pau on Mathematics and its Applications: Jaca (Spain), September 12
M. C. López de Silanes y otros (eds.)- 2018
- 242
- Matemáticas
- Monografías del Seminario Matemático García de Galdeano
- Inglés
- 17 x 24
- Rústica
- 978-84-17358-00-6
The International Conference Zaragoza-Pau on Mathematics and its Applications was organized by the Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, the Departamento de Métodos Estadísticos and the Departamento de Matemáticas, all of them from the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), and the Laboratoire de Mathématiques et de leurs Applications, from the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France). This conference has been held every two years since 1989. The aim of this conference is to present recent advances in Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Pure Mathematics, putting special emphasis on subjects linked to petroleum engineering and environmental problems. The Fourteenth Conference took place in Jaca (Spain) from 12nd to 15th September 2016. During those four days, 99 mathematicians, coming from dierent universities, research institutes or the industrial sector, attended 14 plenary lectures, 62 contributed talks and a poster session with 4 posters. We note that in this edition there were 11 mini-symposia, two of them co-organized by colleagues from the Universidad de Zaragoza and the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour.