Miscelánea Vol. 46
- 2012
- Lenguas extranjeras
- Miscelánea
- 1137-6368
ALMUDENA GÓMEZ SEOANE (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) La traición edénica en la literatura artúrica: consideraciones sobre la identidad de la pareja en Le Morte Darthur de Thomas Malory JESÚS LÓPEZ-PELÁEZ CASELLAS (Universidad de Jaén) ‘Paradoxing’ the Alien: The Morisco in Early Modern English Texts DAVID MULDOON (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) The Postmodern Gender Divide in the Bob Dylan Biopic I’m Not There NOEMÍ PEREIRA-ARES (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela) The East Looks at the West, the Woman Looks at the Man: A Study of the Gaze in Brick Lane by Monica Ali ÁNGEL-LUIS PUJANTE (Universidad de Murcia) Discovering Shakespeare in Exile: Spanish Émigrés in England (1819-1840) ALEXA ALFER AND AMY J. EDWARDS DE CAMPOS A.S. Byatt: Critical Storytelling. Manchester and New York: Manchester U.P., 2010. (by Susanne Gruss, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) SONIA BAELO-ALLUÉ Bret Easton Ellis’s Controversial Fiction: Writing between High and Low Culture. London and New York: Continuum International Publishing, 2011. (by María del Mar Ramón Torrijos, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) PETER CHILDS Julian Barnes. Manchester: Manchester U.P. Contemporary British Novelists, 2011. (by Vanessa Guignery, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon) PILAR CUDER-DOMÍNGUEZ, BELÉN MARTÍN-LUCAS AND SONIA VILLLEGAS-LÓPEZ Transnational Poetics: Asian Canadian Women’s Fiction of the 1990s. Toronto: TSAR, 2011. (by Eva Darias Beautell, Universidad de La Laguna) ÁNGELES DE LA CONCHA, COORD. El sustrato cultural de la violencia de género: literatura, arte, cine y videojuegos. Madrid: Síntesis, 2010. (by Rosario Arias, Universidad de Málaga) LEONORA FLIS Factual Fictions: Narrative Truth and the Contemporary American Documentary Novel. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.(by Peter Ferry, Queen’s University, Belfast) M. SORAYA GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ Travelling in Women’s History with Michèle Roberts’s Novels. Bern: Peter Lang, 2011.(by Sonia Villegas López, Universidad de Huelva) DAVID GOOBLAR The Major Phases of Philip Roth. London and New York: Continuum International Publishing, 2011. (by Martín Urdiales Shaw, Universidad de Vigo) MARIE-LUISE KOHLKE AND CHRISTIAN GUTLEBEN, EDS. Neo-Victorian Families: Gender, Sexual and Cultural Politics. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2011. (by María Isabel Romero Ruiz, Universidad de Málaga) RICARDO MARÍN RUIZ Tres visiones de España durante la Guerra Civil. L´Espoir, Homage to Catalonia y For Whom the Bell Tolls. Murcia: Editorial Nausicaä, 2011. (by Juan Bravo Castillo, Universidad de Albacete)