Miscelánea Vol. 52
- 2015
- Lenguas extranjeras
- Miscelánea
- 1137-6368
JESÚS BLANCO HIDALGA (Universidad de Córdoba) “Knowable Conspiracies: A Reassessment of Formal and Ideological Aspects in Jonathan Franzen’s The Twenty-Seventh City” PEDRO MIGUEL CARMONA-RODRÍGUEZ (Centro de Estudios Canadienses. Universidad de La Laguna) “Neither Chuckwagons, nor Saskatoons, and a Missing Marlboro Man: Postcolonialism, Regionalism and the Ineffable Canadian West” TODD KENNEDY (Nicolls State University) “On the Road to ‘Some’ Place: Sofia Coppola’s Dissident Modernism against a Postmodern Landscape” SLAWOMIR KOZIOL (University of Rzeszow) “Between a Butterfly and a Cathedral: The Question of Art in Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh” JULIANA NALERIO (Universidad de Valladolid) “The Patriarch’s Balls: Class-Consciousness, Violence, and Dystopia in George Saunders’ Vision of Contemporary America” WIT PIETZAK (University of Lodz) “Decalibrating the Language. J. H. Prynne’s Biting The Air” REVIEWS JUSTINE BAILLIE Toni Morrison and Literary Tradition: The Invention of an Aesthetic. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. (by Justine Tally, Universidad de La Laguna) JEAN-MICHEL GANTEAU AND SUSANA ONEGA, EDS. Trauma and Romance in Contemporary British Literature. New York: Routledge, 2013. (by John Style. Universitat Rovira i Virgili) M. CARMEN GÓMEZ-GALISTEO Early Visions and Representations of America: Álvar Núñez Cabeza De Vaca's 'Naufragios' And William Bradford's 'Of Plymouth Plantation'. New York/London/New Delhi/Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2013. (by Sylvia L. Hilton. Universidad Complutense de Madrid) JAMES GOURLEY Terrorism and Temporality in the Works of Thomas Pynchon and Don Delillo. New York, London: Bloomsbury, 2013. (by Paula Martín Salván. Universidad de Córdoba) ERIC D. LAMORE, ED. a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 27(1). Special Issue on African American Life Writing. Routledge, 2012. (by Margarita Carretero González. Universidad de Granada) DAVID LAROCCA, ED. Estimating Emerson: An Anthology of Criticism from Carlyle to Cavell. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. (by María Colom, Universidad Complutense de Madrid) BEATRIZ ORIA Talking Dirty on Sex and the City: Romance, Intimacy, Friendship. Lanham, New York, Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014. (by Manuela Ruiz. Universidad de Zaragoza) ADRIENNE LANIER SEWARD AND JUSTINE TALLY, EDS. Toni Morrison, Memory and Meaning. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2014. (by Vicent Cucarella-Ramon, Universitat de València)