Voluntas Militum: Community, Collective Action, and Popular Power in the Armies of the Middle Republic (300–100 BCE)

Dominic M. Machado
  • 2023
  • 346
  • Historia antigua
  • Libera Res Publica
  • 1ª.
  • inglés
  • 16 x 23 cm
  • Rústica con solapas
  • 978-84-1340-638-1
26,92 €

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The present study argues that the military forces of the Middle Republic were not simply cogs in the Roman military machine, but rather dynamic and diverse social units that played a key role in shaping an ever-changing Mediterranean world. Indeed, the soldiers in the armies of this period not only developed connections with one another, but also formed bonds with non-military personnel who traveled with as well as inhabitants of the places where they campaigned.